drybjed's home page
Hi, I'm Maciej Delmanowski. I work as a System Administrator, from time to time dabbling in a larger field of IT Operations using various Free Software and Open Source tools.
I spend most of my time in a Linux terminal emulator, therefore this
website doesn't have any cool formatting, but at least is presentable
in lynx
Projects I'm involved in
Here's a list of projects I'm currently working on or participated in:
- DebOps
- My main project at the moment. If you work with Debian or Ubuntu hosts and want to have an easier way to manage them, DebOps is for you.
- Ansible
- The main tool the DebOps project is based on. I'm mostly report bugs that I find while working on my project, and from time to time I add some odd feature.
- FVWM-Crystal
- This is a set of themes for the FVWM window manager designed around good keyboard usage and transparency. I started it around 2003 and passed it on to Dominique Michel around 2007. Since then I switched to tiling window managers - currently I'm using i3wm on my workstations.
My OpenPGP key
I'm using OpenPGP keys to sign the code I'm publishing, e-mails, my SSH key is derived from it, and of course I encrypt various data using this key. If you want, you can send an encrypted e-mail message to me, so that only I would be able to read it.
The fingerprint of my OpenPGP key is:
2706 7A91 D620 EE91 D503 09D9 2DCC F53E 9BC7 4BEC
You can download my OpenPGP public key from the public keyserver
network using the gnupg
gpg --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net \ --recv-keys 27067A91D620EE91D50309D92DCCF53E9BC74BEC
You can also verify my OpenPGP identity against some of my online identities using Keybase. This does not have the same strength as meeting me in person and exchanging key fingerprints, but should be sufficient to authenticate some of my online GPG activity.
Contact me
I'm all over the Internet, usually by the nickname drybjed. At the moment my preferred methods of contact are, in no particular order:
- E-mail: drybjed@drybjed.net
- This is a very old school, bare bones social network from times past. Plain text e-mails work like postcards, therefore treat them as such. You can encrypt messages sent to this e-mail address using my OpenPGP key.
- IRC: drybjed on the libera.chat network
- A real-time chat over topical channels. I'm usually hanging out on
#debops, #ansible, or you can just
directly. I'm offline from time to time, therefore if I don't respond for an hour or so, send me an e-mail instead. - Google: drybjed@gmail.com
- I have a Google account with various services like GMail, Hangouts, etc. If you use these, you can contact me that way.
drybjed@tycho:~$ █